At Ubisoft Mumbai and Ubisoft Pune, we wrap up the year with an over-the-top annual party organised exclusively at each studio. However, this tradition took a back seat due to the pandemic. In 2022, the annual party was announced, and all our colleagues were ecstatic to celebrate the end of the year with more enthusiasm.

Ubisoft Indian Studios - Annual Party 2022
Ubisoft Indian Studios - Annual Party 2022

Two grand locations, each with vibrant ambiance, set the mood as more than 1,100 attendees rocked the masquerade theme. The night was lively, accompanied with great music, food, cocktails, dance, and smiles as we enjoyed together after a momentous year of delivered projects.

Ubisoft Indian Studios - Annual Party 2022
Ubisoft Indian Studios - Annual Party 2022
Ubisoft Indian Studios - Annual Party 2022

Lucky Draw Contest

A lucky draw was conducted for the Ubisoft Indian Studios that saw an incredible response from our teammates. Attractive prizes like PlayStation 5 consoles and high-end gaming peripherals were up for grabs for everyone. The winners couldn’t hold back their happiness during the parties when they were awarded the prizes in the midst of the thunderous applause and cheering by their colleagues.

Ubisoft Indian Studios - Annual Party 2022
Ubisoft Indian Studios - Annual Party 2022

A memorable night of joy and laughter was further enhanced with multiple gigs from our talented colleagues. The Just Dance crew’s energetic performance on Scream & Shout and YMCA naturally got the audience grooving with them. Not to forget a jamming session by the Rocksmith+ team which covered popular songs by Boston, Bon Jovi and Linkin Park and made everyone sing along.

Ubisoft Indian Studios - Annual Party 2022
Ubisoft Indian Studios - Annual Party 2022
Ubisoft Indian Studios - Annual Party 2022
Ubisoft Indian Studios - Annual Party 2022

As everyone cheered for the lucky draw winners and were mesmerised by the stunning performances from our teams, we captured wonderful moments and turned them into an aftermovie. You can watch it below:

While we bade goodbye to 2022, we are thrilled to take on new projects and challenges in 2023!

Do you want to be a part of the Ubisoft Indian studios? Learn more about the careers at Ubisoft Mumbai and Ubisoft Pune. Check out our job openings here. Join us and create the unknown!
